Welcome to your next exploration into the world of Chinese vocabulary. In this article, we will examine two vital and diverse uses of the modal word 会(huì). While it is commonly used to describe innate skills or proficiency, it also doubles as a powerful tool to describe the future tense in Chinese.
1. Talking about the future
The word 会(huì) is a modal word that comes before a verb and shows possibility and ability. It can also mean something will happen in the future.
Subject + 会 + Verb + ……
The whole valley will be there.
山谷的村民都会去。(Shāngǔ de cūnmín dōu huì qù.)
Will you help me solve this math problem?
你会帮我解决这个数学题吗?(Nǐ huì bāng wǒ jiějué zhège shùxué tí ma?)
I will finish reading this book by the end of the week.
我会在这周结束之前读完这本书。(Wǒ huì zài zhèzhōu jiéshù zhī qián dú wán zhè běn shū.)
Negative form:
When we want to say something won’t happen or is impossible, we use 不会 (bú huì).
Subject + 不会 + Verb + ……
I won’t go to his home to have a meal.
我不会去他家吃饭的。(Wǒ bú huì qù tā jiā chīfàn de.)
They won’t attend the meeting tomorrow due to a scheduling conflict.
他们明天不会参加会议,因为时间安排有冲突。(Tāmen míngtiān bú huì cānjiā huìyì, yīnwèi shíjiān ānpái yǒu chōngtū.)
Without your reminder, he would not have completed this project so well.
没有你的提醒,这个项目他不会完成得这么好。(Méiyǒu nǐ de tíxǐng, zhège xiàngmù tā bú huì wánchéng de zhème hǎo.)
2. Talking about ability
In Chinese, we can use the word 会(huì) to talk about natural abilities or skills acquired through learning and knowledge.
会 + Verb
Did you get this skill now?
这个技巧,你会了吗?(Zhège jìqiǎo, nǐ huìle ma?)
After three years of studying, I can speak Chinese.
通过三年的学习,我会说汉语了。(Tōngguò sān nián de xuéxí, wǒ huì shuō hànyǔle.)
I can’t swim because I’m afraid of water.
我不会游泳,因为我怕水。(Wǒ bú huì yóuyǒng, yīnwèi wǒ pà shuǐ.)
However, there is an exception. Sometimes, we use 会(huì) as a verb to mean “be acquainted with” or “know well.” In this case, we can directly add 会(huì) to a noun.
会 + Noun
He knows Chinese.
他会汉语。(Tā huì hàn yǔ.)
I can bike, but not motorcycle.
我会自行车,但是不会摩托车。(Wǒ huì zìxíngchē, dànshì bú huì mótuō chē.)
Can you do latin dance? I can dance ballet. Let’s learn from each other!
你会拉丁舞吗?我会芭蕾舞。我们互相学习吧!(Nǐ huì lādīng wǔ ma? Wǒ huì bālěiwǔ. Wǒmen hù xiàng xuéxí ba!)
Additional Note:
In Chinese, we have two more verbs used to express abilities.
能 (néng) is used to talk about physical abilities or the capability to perform certain actions without hindrance.
She can run fast, don’t underestimate her.
她能跑得很快,别小看她。(Tā néng pǎo de hěn kuài, bié xiǎo kàn tā.)
Can you take the first place in this test?
这次考试你能考第一吗?(Zhè cì kǎoshì nǐ néng kǎo dì yī ma?)
Can you please stop talking?
你能不能别说话?(Nǐ néng bùnéng bié shuōhuà?)
可以 (kě yǐ) is sometimes used to describe abilities based on knowledge or physical capabilities. However, its primary usage is to indicate permission to perform an action.
Can I go to the restroom?
我可以去洗手间吗?(Wǒ kěyǐ qù xǐshǒujiān ma?)
You can go to the bathroom upstairs.
你可以去楼上的洗手间。(Nǐ kěyǐ qù lóu shàng de xǐshǒujiān.)
Sorry, no smoking here.
不好意思,这里不可以抽烟。(Bù hǎoyìsi, zhèlǐ bù kěyǐ chōuyān.)
In Chinese culture, there is a saying: 融会贯通 (róng huì guàn tōng), which means achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of a subject.
From its ability to convey future possibilities to its role in showcasing expertise and familiarity, 会(huì) has proven to be an indispensable daily word. Through our overview in this article, we’ve reviewed the proper usage of this word as well as similar modal verbs, such as 能(néng) and 可以(kě yǐ). These essential terms can have a major impact on your ability to communicate effectively. Try incorporating them into your daily conversations and see how it unlocks a new level of proficiency. Keep exploring, keep learning!
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