We learned about “sorry” in Chinese. It`s also very necessary to know how to respond it. Here are some common used answers.
- 没关系 (Méiguānxì)
never mind
- 没事 (méishì)
never mind
- 无所谓 (wúsuǒwèi)
It doesn`t matter
- 不打紧 (bù dǎjǐn)
It`s ok
- 不要紧 (búyàojǐn)
It`s ok
- 没什么 ((Méishénme)
It`s fine.
- 没什么大不了的 (Méishénme dàbùliǎo de)
It`s no big deal.
- 这事不怪你 (zhè shì bú guài nǐ.)
It`s not your fault.
- 别放在心上 (bié fàng zàixīn shàng)
Don`t worry about it.
- 我本来就没放在心上 (wǒ běnlái jiù méi fàng zàixīn shàng.)
I wasn`t even worried about it.
- 这些都是小事 (zhèxiē dōu shì xiǎoshì.)
These were all just little problems.
- 我原谅你了 (wǒ yuánliàng nǐle.)
I forgive you
- 这次就算了 (zhè cì jiùsuàn le.)
Let`s forget about it.
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