Various ways to say “How about” in Chinese
Let’s explore the common expressions and their uses in sentences for ‘How about’ in Chinese. …… ,怎么样? (zěnme yàng) This is a general and widely used expression for “how about,”…
Let’s explore the common expressions and their uses in sentences for ‘How about’ in Chinese. …… ,怎么样? (zěnme yàng) This is a general and widely used expression for “how about,”…
The common expression 几点了? (Jǐ diǎn le?) This is the most straightforward way to ask “What time is it?” It’s casual and widely used in everyday conversation. e.g. 你知道现在几点了吗?(Nǐ zhīdào…
The common expressions and their uses in sentences 怎么 (zěnme) Subject + 怎么 + ……?怎么 + Subject + ……? This is the most direct and common way to say “how…
The common expressions their uses in sentences 多久一次 (duō jiǔ yī cì) Literally “how long once,” used to ask about the frequency of something happening over a period of time.…
The common expressions and their uses in sentences 为什么不 (wèishénme bù) A direct translation of “why not,” used to question why something shouldn’t be done. e.g. 为什么不试试看新的方法呢?(Wèishénme bù shì shì…
The common expressions 我饿了 (Wǒ è le) The most straightforward way to say “I’m hungry.” It’s casual and commonly used in everyday conversation. e.g. 我饿了,我们现在去吃饭吧?(Wǒ è le, wǒmen xiànzài qù…
The common expressions and their uses in sentences 难怪 (nán guài) This is the most direct way to say “no wonder” in Chinese, used when something becomes clear or makes…
The common expressions and their uses in sentences 你喜欢……吗?(Nǐ xǐhuān …… ma?) This is the most straightforward way to ask “Do you like?” in Chinese, suitable for both formal and…
另外 (lìngwài) Translates to “in addition” or “furthermore.” It’s used to introduce new information or add to what has been previously said, with a slightly more formal tone. e.g. 这次会议我们主要汇报一下上周的工作,另外,我们还需要讨论下一步的计划。(Zhè…