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How to Express Your Feelings in Chinese

If you have ever been to China in June, then you have probably seen this before. One minute the sun is shining, and the next minute it starts to rain with dark clouds gathering in the sky.

To describe this kind of weather, the Chinese have a saying “六月的天娃娃的脸”, which literally means ” The days in June are like a face of a child ”

So today we are going to show you how to express one’s feelings in Chinese. These words and phrases will help you communicate about feelings with any Chinese-speaking people that you meet.

Key words and phrases for positive emotions


Chinese Pinyin English
畅快 chànɡ kuài carefree
放心 fànɡ xīn never mind
感动 ɡǎn dònɡ moved
高兴 ɡāo xìnɡ happy/exciting
哈哈 hā hā haha
激动 jī dònɡ excited
开心 kāi xīn honeyful
快乐 kuài lè happy
冷静 lěnɡ jìnɡ cool
满意 mǎn yì satisfied
平和 pínɡ hé mild
轻松 qīnɡ sōnɡ relaxed
热情 rè qínɡ passion/enthusiasm
舒服 shū fu comfortable
希望 xī wànɡ hope
喜欢 xǐ huɑn like
喜悦 xǐ yuè joy
幸福 xìnɡ fú happy
愉快 yú kuài pleasant
愿意 yuàn yì willing to do


Common words and phrases for positive emotions


Chinese Pinyin English
保持冷静 bǎo chí lěnɡ jìnɡ keep calm
对音乐感兴趣 duì yīn yuè ɡǎn xìnɡ qù be interested in music
非常激动 fēi chánɡ jī dònɡ very excited
非常快乐 fēi chánɡ kuài lè very joyful
非常兴奋 fēi chánɡ xīnɡ fèn very excited
感到高兴 ɡǎn dào ɡāo xìnɡ be happy
共同爱好 ɡònɡ tónɡ ài hào common interests
合作愉快 hé zuò yú kuài pleasant cooperation
快乐极了 kuài lè jí le extremely happy
冷静一下 lěnɡ jìnɡ yí xià calm down
让人感动 rànɡ rén ɡǎn dònɡ moving
让人开心 rànɡ rén kāi xīn make someone feel happy
生日快乐 shēnɡ rì kuài lè happy birthday
太好了 tài hǎo le It’s wonderful
太谢谢你了 tài xiè xiè nǐ le thank you very much
态度很好 tài dù hěn hǎo with a good attitude
玩得开心 wán de kāi xīn have fun
喜悦的表情 xǐ yuè de biǎo qínɡ joy expression
心情畅快 xīn qínɡ chànɡ kuài carefree mood
心态平和 xīn tài pínɡ hé mind of peace
有意思 yǒu yì si it’s very interesting
真舒服 zhēn shū fu really comfortable


Key words and phrases for negative emotions


Chinese Pinyin English
悲观 bēi ɡuān pessimistic
不好 bù hǎo not good
沉默 chén mò silent
担心 dān xīn be worry about
害怕 hài pà afraid/frightened
怀疑 huái yí suspicious
简单 jiǎn dān simple
可怜 kě lián pitiful
可惜 kě xī feel sorry for
恐怕 kǒnɡ pà perhaps
lèi tired
马虎 mǎ hu careless
nán hard/difficult
难过 nán ɡuò sad
批评 pī pínɡ criticism
生气 shēnɡ qì angry
头疼 tóu ténɡ headache
忘记 wànɡ jì forget
抑郁 yì yù depressed
着急 zháo jí anxious


Common words and phrases for negative emotions


Chinese Pinyin English
不开心 bù kāi xīn unhappy
对不起 duì bù qǐ feel sorry for
别着急 bié zháo jí don’t worry
很头疼 hěn tóu ténɡ have a terrible headache
有点儿难过 yóu dián ér nán ɡuò feel a little sad
越来越疼 yuè lái yuè ténɡ more and more painful
不放心 bú fànɡ xīn feel worried about
不愿意 bú yuàn yì unwilling to do
对什么都没兴趣 duì shén me dōu méi xìnɡ qù have interest in nothing
很担心 hěn dān xīn feel very worried
太难过了 tài nán ɡuò le too sad
不喜欢 bù xǐ huɑn dislike
不满意 bù mǎn yì unsatisfied


So next time, one of your Chinese-speaking friends, partners or relatives are upset, you can comfort them or at least understand how they feel so that you can begin comforting them. Furthermore, you are now prepared to share in the joy and good times with your Chinese-speaking friends too. 祝你有美好的一天!(Wish you a wonderful day!).

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Congcong Yu

She is a professional Mandarin Chinese teacher who has been teaching for more than 12 years both at home and abroad. She loves reading and she loves cats a lot. As the chief content editor at Hansheng Info-Tech here in Shanghai, she`s working with her team to help people learn Chinese well. Their main products are Hello HSK Apps.

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