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How to pronounce [m]/[f] in Chinese Pinyin

How to pronounce [m]


Form a complete closure by pressing both lips together and then allow the air to pass through the nasal cavity while vibrating the vocal cords. The sound of [m] is similar to the “m” in the English word “mom.”

How to pronounce [f]


Lightly place your top front teeth against your lower lip and push air through the narrow gap without voicing. The sound of [f] is similar to the “f” in the English word “fan.”

The Similarities

  • [m] and [f] are both consonant initials in Mandarin pinyin.
  • Both are produced at the front part of the mouth (labial area).

The Difference

  • [m] is a voiced bilabial nasal sound, allowing air to pass through the nose with vocal cord vibration.
  • [f] is a voiceless labiodental fricative sound, produced without nasal resonance or vocal cord vibration.
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