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Various ways to say “I forgot” in Chinese

The common expressions

我忘(记)了 (wǒ wàng jì le)


This is the most common way to say “I forgot” in Chinese. It’s used in casual conversation to indicate forgetting something.


对不起,我忘了带钥匙。 (Duìbùqǐ, wǒ wàng le dài yàoshi.) Sorry, I forgot to bring the keys.

我忘了他叫什么名字。 (Wǒ wàng le tā jiào shénme míngzì.) I forgot what his name is.

我忘了告诉你时间。 (Wǒ wàng le gàosù nǐ shíjiān.) I forgot to tell you the time.

我忘记了你的生日。 (Wǒ wàngjì le nǐ de shēngrì.) I forgot your birthday.

你提醒我吧,我可能会忘记。 (Nǐ tíxǐng wǒ ba, wǒ kěnéng huì wàngjì.) Please remind me, I might forget.

The uses in sentences

我把…忘了 (wǒ bǎ… wàng le)


This pattern is used when you forget something specific.


我把作业忘了。 (Wǒ bǎ zuòyè wàng le.) I forgot my homework.

我把钱包忘在家里了。 (Wǒ bǎ qiánbāo wàng zài jiālǐ le.) I forgot my wallet at home.

我把会议时间忘了。 (Wǒ bǎ huìyì shíjiān wàng le.) I forgot the meeting time.

The extended phrases to express “I forgot” in Chinese

我忘光了 (wǒ wàng guāng le)


This phrase means “I forgot everything” or “I completely forgot.” It’s used when you’ve forgotten something entirely.


我学过这些,但现在我全忘光了。 (Wǒ xuéguò zhèxiē, dàn xiànzài wǒ quán wàng guāng le.) I learned this before, but now I completely forgot.

我把密码忘光了。 (Wǒ bǎ mìmǎ wàng guāng le.) I completely forgot the password.

上次的内容我都忘光了。 (Shàng cì de nèiróng wǒ dōu wàng guāng le.) I forgot everything from last time.

我给忘了 (wǒ gěi wàng le)


This is a casual and colloquial way to say “I forgot.” It’s often used in spoken Chinese.


对不起,我给忘了。 (Duìbùqǐ, wǒ gěi wàng le.) Sorry, I forgot.

我今天本来要打电话给你,但我给忘了。 (Wǒ jīntiān běnlái yào dǎ diànhuà gěi nǐ, dàn wǒ gěi wàng le.) I was supposed to call you today, but I forgot.

我昨天要买牛奶,可是我给忘了。 (Wǒ zuótiān yào mǎi niúnǎi, kěshì wǒ gěi wàng le.) I was supposed to buy milk yesterday, but I forgot.

脑子一片空白 (nǎozi yī piàn kòngbái)


This phrase means “My mind went blank” and is used when you forget something in the moment or completely.


老师问我问题时,我脑子里一片空白。 (Lǎoshī wèn wǒ wèntí shí, wǒ nǎozi lǐ yī piàn kòngbái.) When the teacher asked me a question, my mind went blank.

在考试时,我突然脑子里一片空白。 (Zài kǎoshì shí, wǒ tūrán nǎozi lǐ yī piàn kòngbái.) During the exam, my mind suddenly went blank.

我记得准备了,但现在脑子里一片空白。 (Wǒ jìdé zhǔnbèi le, dàn xiànzài nǎozi lǐ yī piàn kòngbái.) I remember preparing, but now my mind is completely blank.

一时想不起来 (yīshí xiǎng bù qǐlái)


This phrase means “I can’t remember at the moment,” used when you’re temporarily unable to recall something.


我一时想不起来他的名字。 (Wǒ yīshí xiǎng bù qǐlái tā de míngzì.) I can’t remember his name at the moment.

你刚说什么?我一时想不起来了。 (Nǐ gāng shuō shénme? Wǒ yīshí xiǎng bù qǐlái le.) What did you just say? I can’t recall it at the moment.

这件事我一时想不起来了。 (Zhè jiàn shì wǒ yīshí xiǎng bù qǐlái le.) I can’t remember this matter right now.

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