Various ways to say “I promise” in Chinese
The common expressions
我保证 (wǒ bǎozhèng)
我保证 is the most direct way to say “I promise” in Chinese. It can be used in both formal and informal settings to assure someone that you will do something.
我保证明天会完成任务。 (Wǒ bǎozhèng míngtiān huì wánchéng rènwù.) I promise I will finish the task tomorrow.
我保证不再迟到了。 (Wǒ bǎozhèng bù zài chídào le.) I promise I won’t be late again.
我保证这个秘密不会告诉别人。 (Wǒ bǎozhèng zhège mìmì bù huì gàosù biérén.) I promise I won’t tell anyone this secret.
我发誓 (wǒ fāshì)
我发誓 means “I swear” and is stronger than “我保证.” It is often used when making a serious promise or oath.
我发誓以后再也不骗你。 (Wǒ fāshì yǐhòu zài yě bù piàn nǐ.) I swear I will never lie to you again.
我发誓会保护你。 (Wǒ fāshì huì bǎohù nǐ.) I swear I will protect you.
我发誓说的都是真的。 (Wǒ fāshì shuō de dōu shì zhēn de.) I swear everything I said is true.
Both 我保证 and 我发誓 can be used separately as an independent clause.
我不会伤害你的,我保证。(Wǒ bù huì shānghài nǐ de, wǒ bǎozhèng.) I won’t hurt you, I promise.
我只爱你一个人,我发誓。(Wǒ zhǐ ài nǐ yīgè rén, wǒ fāshì.)I only love you, I promise.
The extended phrases to express “I promise” in Chinese
我答应 (wǒ dāying)
我答应 means “I promise” or “I agree.” It’s more casual and is commonly used in everyday conversations to show that you’re agreeing to do something.
我答应你,我会早点回来。 (Wǒ dāying nǐ, wǒ huì zǎodiǎn huílái.) I promise you, I’ll come back earlier.
我答应他会帮忙的。 (Wǒ dāying tā huì bāngmáng de.) I promised him that I would help.
我答应不再打扰你。 (Wǒ dāying bù zài dǎrǎo nǐ.) I promise I won’t bother you anymore.
我一定会…… (wǒ yídìng huì ……)
我一定会 translates to “I will definitely” or “I promise to,” and it emphasizes the certainty of fulfilling a promise or action.
我一定会按时完成任务。 (Wǒ yídìng huì ànshí wánchéng rènwù.) I promise I will finish the task on time.
我一定会参加你的婚礼。 (Wǒ yídìng huì cānjiā nǐ de hūnlǐ.) I promise I will attend your wedding.
我一定会遵守我的诺言。 (Wǒ yídìng huì zūnshǒu wǒ de nuòyán.) I promise I will keep my promise.
我向你保证 (wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎozhèng)
This term literally means “I promise you” and is used when you want to directly assure someone about something.
我向你保证,事情会顺利解决。 (Wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎozhèng, shìqíng huì shùnlì jiějué.) I promise you that things will be resolved smoothly.
我向你保证,他不会再犯同样的错误。 (Wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎozhèng, tā bù huì zài fàn tóngyàng de cuòwù.) I promise you he won’t make the same mistake again.
我向你保证,这件事不会再发生。 (Wǒ xiàng nǐ bǎozhèng, zhè jiàn shì bù huì zài fāshēng.) I promise you that this won’t happen again.
我对你发誓 (wǒ duì nǐ fāshì)
This term means “I swear to you” and is used when making a strong or serious vow to someone.
我对你发誓,我说的都是真的。 (Wǒ duì nǐ fāshì, wǒ shuō de dōu shì zhēn de.) I swear to you, everything I said is true.
我对你发誓,我会照顾好你的猫。 (Wǒ duì nǐ fāshì, wǒ huì zhàogù hǎo nǐ de māo.) I swear to you, I will take good care of your cat.
我对你发誓,绝不会再发生这样的事。 (Wǒ duì nǐ fāshì, jué bù huì zài fāshēng zhèyàng de shì.) I swear to you, this will never happen again.
我跟你承诺 (wǒ gēn nǐ chéngnuò)
This term means “I promise to you” and is commonly used in formal or serious situations, often with long-term commitments.
我跟你承诺,我会尽全力帮助你。 (Wǒ gēn nǐ chéngnuò, wǒ huì jìn quánlì bāngzhù nǐ.) I promise you, I will do my best to help you.
我跟你承诺,这次一定会成功。 (Wǒ gēn nǐ chéngnuò, zhè cì yīdìng huì chénggōng.) I promise you, this time will be a success.
我跟你承诺,我会认真对待这件事。 (Wǒ gēn nǐ chéngnuò, wǒ huì rènzhēn duìdài zhè jiàn shì.) I promise you, I will take this matter seriously.
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