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Various ways to say “I’m busy” in Chinese

The common expressions

我很忙 (wǒ hěn máng)


This is the most common way to say “I’m busy” in Chinese. It can be used in casual conversations to express that you’re occupied or have a lot to do.


最近工作太多了,我很忙。 (Zuìjìn gōngzuò tài duō le, wǒ hěn máng.) I have too much work lately, I’m very busy.

不好意思,我很忙,没时间聊。 (Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ hěn máng, méi shíjiān liáo.) Sorry, I’m busy and don’t have time to chat.

今天我很忙,明天再见面吧。 (Jīntiān wǒ hěn máng, míngtiān zài jiànmiàn ba.) I’m busy today, let’s meet tomorrow.

我在忙 (wǒ zài máng)


This phrase literally means “I’m busy (right now)” and implies that you’re currently occupied with something.


不好意思,我在忙,待会儿给你回电话。 (Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ zài máng, dài huìr gěi nǐ huí diànhuà.) Sorry, I’m busy now, I’ll call you back later.

A:你现在有空吗?(Nǐ xiànzài yǒu kòng ma?)Are you free now?
B:我在忙,什么事?(Wǒ zài máng, shénme shì?) I’m busy, what’s going on?

The uses in sentences

我在忙着…… (wǒ zài mángzhe ……)



我在忙着写报告,等一下再说。 (Wǒ zài máng zhe xiě bàogào, děng yīxià zài shuō.) I’m busy writing a report, let’s talk later.

我在忙着准备考试,没空出去玩。 (Wǒ zài máng zhe zhǔnbèi kǎoshì, méi kòng chūqù wán.) I’m busy preparing for the exam, no time to go out.

The extended phrases to express “I’m busy” in Chinese

忙得不可开交 (máng de bùkě kāijiāo)


This phrase means “extremely busy” or “so busy that it’s overwhelming.” It’s used to express that you’re swamped with work.


最近我忙得不可开交,连吃饭的时间都没有。 (Zuìjìn wǒ máng de bùkě kāijiāo, lián chīfàn de shíjiān dōu méiyǒu.) I’ve been so busy lately that I don’t even have time to eat.

他忙得不可开交,根本没时间接电话。 (Tā máng de bùkě kāijiāo, gēnběn méi shíjiān jiē diànhuà.) He is extremely busy and has no time to answer calls.

我忙得不可开交,很多任务还没完成。 (Wǒ máng de bùkě kāijiāo, hěn duō rènwù hái méi wánchéng.) I’m incredibly busy and still have many tasks to complete.

忙得团团转 (máng de tuántuánzhuàn)


This phrase means “so busy that you’re running in circles,” indicating you’re extremely overwhelmed and unable to stop.


这几天我忙得团团转,没时间休息。 (Zhè jǐ tiān wǒ máng de tuántuánzhuàn, méi shíjiān xiūxí.) I’ve been so busy these days that I haven’t had time to rest.

他忙得团团转,都没时间吃饭。 (Tā máng de tuántuánzhuàn, dōu méi shíjiān chīfàn.) He’s so busy that he doesn’t even have time to eat.

我们部门最近忙得团团转,天天加班。 (Wǒmen bùmén zuìjìn máng de tuántuánzhuàn, tiāntiān jiābān.) Our department has been so busy lately, working overtime every day.

抽不开身 (chōu bù kāi shēn)


This phrase means “I can’t free myself” or “I’m too busy to get away,” implying that you’re tied up with tasks and can’t leave what you’re doing.


我今天抽不开身,明天再约吧。 (Wǒ jīntiān chōu bù kāi shēn, míngtiān zài yuē ba.) I’m too busy today, let’s schedule for tomorrow.

抱歉,我现在抽不开身帮你。 (Bàoqiàn, wǒ xiànzài chōu bù kāi shēn bāng nǐ.) Sorry, I can’t free myself to help you right now.

我正在开会,抽不开身接电话。 (Wǒ zhèngzài kāihuì, chōu bù kāi shēn jiē diànhuà.) I’m in a meeting, too busy to take the call.

事情太多了 (shìqing tài duō le)


This phrase means “I have too many things to do” and is used to express that you’re busy because of many tasks or responsibilities.


事情太多了,我根本顾不过来。 (Shìqing tài duō le, wǒ gēnběn gù bù guòlái.) I have too much to do, I can’t handle it all.

今天事情太多了,没时间跟你去吃饭。 (Jīntiān shìqing tài duō le, méi shíjiān gēn nǐ qù chīfàn.) I have too much going on today, no time to go eat with you.

我有很多事情要处理,真的太忙了。 (Wǒ yǒu hěn duō shìqing yào chǔlǐ, zhēn de tài máng le.) I have a lot of things to handle, really too busy.

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