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Various ways to say “Not This Time” in Chinese

The common expressions

这次不行 (zhè cì bù xíng)


This phrase literally means “not this time” and is commonly used to express that something is not possible or won’t happen on this occasion.


我们下周出去玩吧,这次不行。 (Wǒmen xià zhōu chūqù wán ba, zhè cì bù xíng.) Let’s go out next week; not this time.

A: 你能帮我做这个报告吗?(Nǐ néng bāng wǒ zuò zhège bàogào ma?) Can you help me with this report?
B: 这次不行,我太忙了。 (Zhè cì bù xíng, wǒ tài máng le.) Not this time, I’m too busy.

A: 你从北京给我买点儿特产吧。(Nǐ cóng Běijīng gěi wǒ mǎidiǎnr tèchǎn ba.)Please buy me some local specialties from Beijing.
B:这次不行,我带的东西已经太多了,下次吧。(Zhè cì bùxíng, wǒ dài de dōngxi yǐjīng tài duōle, xià cì ba.) Not this time, I already have too many things with me, maybe next time.

The uses in sentences

这次不能…… (zhè cì bù néng ……)


我们这次不能参加聚会了。 (Wǒmen zhè cì bù néng cānjiā jùhuì le.) We can’t attend the party this time.

老板说这次不能批假。 (Lǎobǎn shuō zhè cì bù néng pī jià.) The boss said no leave this time.

这次没机会……(了) (zhè cì méi jīhuì……le)


This phrase means “no chance this time” and is used when there’s no opportunity to do something on this occasion.


他这次没机会赢了。 (Tā zhè cì méi jīhuì yíng le.) He has no chance of winning this time.

我很想去演唱会,但这次没机会了。 (Wǒ hěn xiǎng qù yǎnchànghuì, dàn zhè cì méi jīhuì le.) I really wanted to go to the concert, but not this time.

他们这次没机会参加比赛了。 (Tāmen zhè cì méi jīhuì cānjiā bǐsài le.) They have no chance to participate in the competition this time.

The extended phrases to express “not this time” in Chinese

这次算了 (zhè cì suàn le)


This phrase translates to “let’s skip this time” or “not this time,” indicating a decision to pass on something.


这次算了吧,下次再说。 (Zhè cì suàn le ba, xià cì zài shuō.) Let’s skip this time, maybe next time.

我本来想参加她们的聚会,但这次算了,时间不凑巧。 (Wǒ běnlái xiǎng cānjiā tāmen de jùhuì, dàn zhè cì suànle, shíjiān bù còuqiǎo.) I wanted to attend their party, but forget it this time because the timing is not right.

今天太晚了,这次算了,我们改天再去。 (Jīntiān tài wǎnle, zhè cì suànle, wǒmen gǎitiān zài qù.) It’s too late today, let’s forget it and go another day.

这次没办法 (zhè cì méi bànfǎ)


This phrase means “not this time” or “there’s no way this time,” and is often used when something can’t be done on this occasion.


你想要升职?这次没办法,名额已经满了。 (Nǐ xiǎng yào shēngzhí? Zhè cì méi bànfǎ, míng’é yǐjīng mǎn le.) You want a promotion? Not this time, all the spots are filled.

本来想去见你,但这次没办法了。 (Běnlái xiǎng qù jiàn nǐ, dàn zhè cì méi bànfǎ le.) I originally wanted to see you, but not this time.

我真的很想去,但这次没办法。 (Wǒ zhēn de hěn xiǎng qù, dàn zhè cì méi bànfǎ.) I really want to go, but not this time.

这次不凑巧 (zhè cì bù còuqiǎo)


This phrase means “not convenient this time” or “it’s not a good time,” indicating that the timing is off for the current opportunity.


谢谢你的邀请,但这次不凑巧。 (Xièxiè nǐ de yāoqǐng, dàn zhè cì bù còuqiǎo.) Thanks for the invitation, but not this time.

我本想帮忙,但这次不凑巧。 (Wǒ běn xiǎng bāngmáng, dàn zhè cì bù còuqiǎo.) I wanted to help, but not this time.

他们这次不凑巧,不能参加聚会。 (Tāmen zhè cì bù còuqiǎo, bù néng cānjiā jùhuì.) It’s not convenient for them this time, they can’t attend the gathering.

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