The Tone Changes Rules of “一”
1. 一 (yī)
一 is pronounced as the 1st tone “yī” when
- it’s by itself,
- it works as a number,
- it is put at the end of the word, phrase, or sentence.
- 一、二、三、四…… (yī, èr, sān, sì ……) one, two, three, four
- 唯一 (wéi yī) the one and only
- 第一 (dì yī) the first
- 百里挑一 (bǎi lǐ tiāo yī) cream of the crop
2. 一 (yì)
一 is read as the 4th tone “yì” when it’s followed by a 1st tone, 2nd tone, or 3rd tone syllable.
一 + 1st Tone | 一斤(yì jīn) 一天(yì tiān) 一双(yì shuāng) |
一 + 2nd Tone | 一台(yì tái) 一群(yì qún) 一瓶(yì píng) |
一 + 3rd Tone | 一把(yì bǎ) 一朵(yì duǒ ) 一场(yì chǎng) |
3. 一 (yí)
一 becomes the 2nd tone “yí” when it precedes a 4th tone syllable.
一 + 4th Tone | 一样 (yí yàng) 一步(yí bù) 一样(yí yàng) 一辈子(yí bèizi) |
- 一生一世一双人 (___ shēng ___ shì ___ shuāng rén)A couple for a lifetime
- 一来一回 (___ lái ___ huí)Back and forth
- 一问一答 (___ wèn ___ dá)Ask and answer
- 一点一滴 (___ diǎn ___ dī)Every little bit
- 一模一样 (___ mú ___ yàng)Exactly the same
- 一天一地 (___ tiān ___ dì)All over the place
- 一生一世一双人 (yì shēng yí shì yì shuāng rén)A couple for a lifetime
- 一来一回 (yì lái yì huí)Back and forth
- 一问一答 (yí wèn yì dá)Ask and answer
- 一点一滴 (yì diǎn yì dī)Every little bit
- 一模一样 (yì mú yí yàng)Exactly the same
- 一天一地 (yì tiān yí dì)All over the place