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Various ways to say “Why not” in Chinese

The common expressions and their uses in sentences

为什么不 (wèishénme bù)


A direct translation of “why not,” used to question why something shouldn’t be done.


为什么不试试看新的方法呢?(Wèishénme bù shì shì kàn xīn de fāngfǎ ne?) Why not try a new method?

为什么不把它当做一个挑战呢?(Wèishénme bù bǎ tā dāngzuò yīgè tiǎozhàn ne?) Why not take it as a challenge?

为什么不趁现在开始做计划?(Wèishénme bù chèn xiànzài kāishǐ zuò jìhuà?) Why not start planning now?

干嘛不 (gàn má bù)


This one is more colloquial, which can be used to express “why not” in a more assertive way.


这么好的机会,干嘛不抓住?(Zhème hǎo de jīhuì, gàn má bù zhuā zhù?) With such a good opportunity, why not seize it?

这个方案这么好,干嘛不接受?(Zhège fāng’àn zhème hǎo, gàn má bù jiēshòu?) The plan is so good, why not accept it?

周末没事,干嘛不去海边放松一下?(Zhōumò méishì, gàn má bù qù hǎibiān fàngsōng yíxià?) Nothing to do on the weekend, why not go to the beach to relax?

何不 (hé bù)


A more formal or literary way to say “why not,” often used in written Chinese or formal speech.


何不考虑一下我们的提议?(Hé bù kǎolǜ yíxià wǒmen de tíyì?) Why not consider our proposal?

何不暂时放下工作,出去走走?(Hé bù zànshí fàngxià gōngzuò, chūqù zǒuzǒu?) Why not take a break from work and go out for a walk?

何不考虑换个新环境,也许能带来新的灵感?(Hé bù kǎolǜ huàn gè xīn huánjìng, yěxǔ néng dài lái xīn de línggǎn?) Why not consider changing to a new environment, perhaps it could bring new inspiration?

The extended phrases to express “why not” in Chinese

不妨 (bùfáng)


Similar to “何不,” this is another formal way to suggest “why not” as a consideration. It can translated to “might as well” “why not consider”.


不妨试试这个解决方案。(Bùfáng shì shì zhège jiějué fāng’àn.) Why not try this solution?

不妨听听他们的意见,也许有帮助。(Bùfáng tīng tīng tāmen de yìjiàn, yěxǔ yǒu bāngzhù.) Why not consider listening to their opinions, it might be helpful.

不妨试试新的方法,说不定效果更好。(Bùfáng shì shì xīn de fāngfǎ, shuōbudìng xiàoguǒ gèng hǎo.) Why not try a new method, perhaps the result will be better.

没问题 (méi wèntí)


Means “no problem,” and can be used to express agreement or consent, similar to “why not.”


你想加入我们吗?没问题。(Nǐ xiǎng jiārù wǒmen ma? Méi wèntí.) Do you want to join us? Why not.

A: 我能和你一起散步吗?(Wǒ néng hé nǐ yīqǐ sànbù ma?) Can I walk with you?

B:没问题。(Méi wèntí.) Why not.

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