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Mastering Tones in Mandarin Chinese: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning Chinese is exciting but challenging, especially when it comes to mastering tones. Tones are essential for distinguishing words and ensuring clear communication.

In this guide, we’ll explain Chinese tones in detail with examples, helping you master them for confident and accurate pronunciation.

What are Chinese Tones?

Tones are an essential phonetic tool in the Chinese language. They show differences in pitch when pronouncing a syllable. In Chinese, tones change the meaning of a word. There are four main tones, each with a unique pitch pattern, and there’s also a neutral tone. There is often a tone mark written above the Pinyin final of a syllable to show the word’s tone. Here’s a quick look at these main Chinese tone marks:

Do you need to learn Chinese tones?

Tones are essential because they are the foundation of effective communication in Chinese. They help us distinguish words that might otherwise sound the same. In Chinese, some words look alike but have different pronunciations, and tones make a crucial difference. For instance, if you say 妈 (mā) with the wrong tone, it becomes 马 (mǎ), meaning “horse.” Similarly, 长 can mean “long” as “cháng” but “to grow” as “zhǎng.” So, mastering tones isn’t just a language skill; it’s the key to clear and meaningful conversations in this complex language. That’s why you have to master Chinese tones

The Main Tones in Mandarin Chinese

First Tone

The key: keep high and flat

This tone stays high and steady, like a flat line on a graph.

It sounds like when the doctor checks your throat and you say “Ah ~”.

For example:


Second Tone

The key: rising up

This tone begins in the middle and goes up, like an arrow pointing upwards.

Many people compare this to a questioning inflection in English; it sounds like a surprised rising sigh, as in “What?” or “Really?”

For example:


Third Tone

The key: go down and then rise

The third tone starts with a mid-level pitch, then goes down a bit before rising again.

It sounds like the filler word “well~” in English.

For example:


Fourth Tone

The key: falling steeply

This tone begins with a high pitch and falls sharply to a low pitch.

It sounds like when you suddenly hurt your toe and shout out “Ouch!!”

For example:


Neutral Tone

The neutral tone, also known as the light tone in Chinese, is unique. It’s like a fifth tone alongside the main four. What sets it apart is its light and short nature. When pronounced, it feels softer and quicker compared to the four main tones. This tone usually appears in unstressed syllables or when less emphasis is needed in speech. Unlike the main tones, it doesn’t have a specific accent mark in Pinyin, which can make it a bit tricky to spot. Nonetheless, mastering the neutral tone is crucial for clear and accurate Chinese pronunciation. 

Chinese grammar particles, auxiliary words, nominal suffixes, and reduplication often pair with the neutral tone, playing crucial roles in various grammatical functions and nuances. Common particles like 吗 (ma), 吧 (ba), and 呢 (ne) help form questions and requests. Auxiliary words such as 着 (zhe), 了 (le), 过 (guo), and different forms of 的 (de) convey action statuses and descriptions. Nominal suffixes like 子 (zi) and 们 (men) form diminutives and plural nouns, while reduplication of characters emphasizes actions and relationships. You can check out “The Versatility of the Neutral Tone” to explore these elements in depth.

Tonal Changes in Spoken Chinese

Tone Change, also known as Tone Sandhi, is a unique and complex phenomenon in the Chinese language. It happens when specific words’ tones change or are influenced when used with other words or in sentences. This phenomenon is mainly heard in spoken Chinese. Here are three common tone changes:

Third-tone Sandhi

When two consecutive third tones appear in a sentence, two situations may come up:

1) If the first word is the third tone while the second one isn’t, the tone of the first word changes to the half-third tone.

The pattern is:

  • 饼干 (bǐnggān) biscuit or cookie
  • 旅游 (lǚyóu) travel
  • 礼物 (lǐwù) gift
  • 眼睛 (yǎnjīng) eye(s)

2) When two third tones are adjacent, the first one usually changes to the second tone for smoother pronunciation.

The pattern is:

  • 你好 (nǐ hǎo) hello → (ní hǎo)
  • 舞蹈 (wǔdǎo) dance → (wú dǎo)
  • 想法 (xiǎngfǎ) idea → (xiángfǎ)
  • 可以 (kěyǐ) can → (kéyǐ)

Learn more about  Third Tone Change Rules in Spoken Chinese

Tone Sandhi of 一

1) When 一 (yī) meets a fourth-tone word, then 一 (yī) becomes the second tone (yí). The pattern is:

  • 一岁 (yī suì) one year old (yí suì)
  • 一块糖 (yī kuài táng) one piece of candy (yí kuài táng)
  • 一再要求 (yīzài yāoqiú) repeatedly requesting (yízài yāoqiú)
  • 一袋洗衣粉 (yī dài xǐyī fěn) one bag of washing powder (yí dài xǐyī fěn)

2) When 一 (yī) is followed by a word with the other three tones, 一 (yī) changes to the fourth tone (yì). The pattern is:

  • 一番话 (yī fān huà) a few words or a brief remark (yì fān huà)
  • 一直 (yīzhí) continuously (yìzhí)
  • 一点儿 (yī diǎnr) a little bit (yì diǎnr)
  • 一起 (yīqǐ) together (yìqǐ)

Learn more about The Tone Changes Rules of “

Tone Sandhi of 不

When 不(bù) is followed by a fourth-tone character, it changes to the second tone (bú). The pattern is:

  • 不是 (bù shì) not, no (bú shì)
  • 不在 (bù zài) not here, not present (bú zài)
  • 不去 (bù qù) not go (bú qù)
  • 不对 (bù duì) not right, incorrect (bú duì)


In Chinese, the characters 一 (yī) and 不 (bù) change tone when they are part of verbal reduplications, such as 想一想 (xiǎng yi xiǎng) or 吃不吃 (chī bu chī). In this context, 一(yī) and 不 (bù) are pronounced with a neutral tone. Here are additional examples:

  • 看一看 (kàn yi kàn) take a look
  • 洗一洗 (xǐ yi xǐ) wash
  • 走不走 (zǒu bu zǒu) go or not
  • 买不买 (mǎi bu mǎi) buy or not

Learn more about The Tone Changes Rules of “

How to master Chinese tones step-by-step

Mastering Chinese tones is pivotal for attaining accurate pronunciation and comprehensible language skills. As we know, proficiency in any language is best achieved through practical use. So, let’s delve into the practical steps for refining your understanding of Chinese tones.

Step 1: Practice Tones with Single Chinese Words

Practice pronouncing pinyin with the correct tones for each single character; this will help you build a solid foundation. Here’s how:

Take a Chinese character and its pinyin. For example:

1st Tone灯 (dēng)天 (tiān)家 (jiā)
2nd Tone提 (tí)节 (jié)黄 (huáng)
3rd Tone写 (xiě)水 (shuǐ)雪 (xuě)
4th Tone课 (kè)下 (xià)上 (shàng)

Pronounce them with the corresponding tone loudly.

Step 2: Tone Pair Drills

Practice with word pairs to improve your tonal skills. This helps you hear and replicate tones accurately and understand the rhythm between words. Repeat these pairs until you get each tone right.

For example:

上课(shàngkè)attend class老师(lǎoshī)teacher
思念(sīniàn)miss衡水(Héngshuǐ)a city in China

To practice more, here is Tones Prefer Company for you.

Step 3: Tonal Sentences

Practice speaking complete sentences with correct tones. Focus on common phrases and sentences you might use in everyday conversation. Here are some example sentences:

我想买一件外套。(Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī jiàn wàitào.)
I want to buy a coat.

外面太热了,我不想出去。(Wàimian tài rè le, wǒ bù xiǎng chūqù.)
It’s so hot outside that I don’t want to go out.

你知道小华家在哪里吗?(Nǐ zhīdào Xiǎo Huá jiā zài nǎlǐ ma?)
Do you know where Xiao Hua’s home is?

今天下午三点我们要开会。(Jīntiān xiàwǔ sān diǎn wǒmen yào kāihuì.)
We have a meeting at 3 PM this afternoon.

Practice until you can say these sentences effortlessly with the right tones, paying attention to the rhythm and pauses. Once you get the hang of it, your spoken Chinese will improve significantly.

Step 4: Listen and Repeat

Only practicing by yourself isn’t enough for a language learner, so we recommend you listen to native speakers, whether in person, through audio resources, or language apps. Try to mimic their pronunciation and tones as closely as possible.

Consider trying out the ‘shadowing’ technique with recorded audio, where you follow along and repeat after the speaker to mimic their pronunciation as closely as possible. This technique can help your pronunciation, rhythm, and speaking speed sound closer to that of native speakers.

Step 5: Record Yourself

If you want to make significant strides in your Chinese pronunciation, we strongly encourage you to record yourself speaking in Chinese and then compare your pronunciation with that of native speakers. This practice will enable you to find areas needing improvement and refine your tone pronunciation.

You can check our Chinese Speaking Training Course for more help with this technique and the shadowing technique.

For better practice, you can use tone drill apps and websites specifically designed to improve Chinese tones. These platforms often include exercises where you listen to words or sentences and repeat them with the correct tone.

Websites for Practice:

App Recommendation: Cantone (Android) (IOS)

Cantone is a versatile app designed for Mandarin and Cantonese learners and educators. It offers engaging tone games, personalized speaking activities with instant pitch recognition, vocabulary exercises, and tone sandhi lessons. The app supports both simplified and traditional characters and provides a multilingual interface. This comprehensive tool facilitates tone and pronunciation mastery, making it invaluable for those seeking to improve their Mandarin and Cantonese language skills.

Video Resources:

Additionally, a wide selection of engaging and carefully crafted videos, suitable for learners of all ages, is available to help you practice tones. You can explore these resources on YouTube:

More fun ways to learn and master Chinese tones for you to explore:

The Bottom Line

As we wrap up our journey through the world of Chinese tones, remember that mastering them is a process that takes time and practice. Don’t be discouraged by initial challenges; instead, embrace them as opportunities for growth.

With patience and persistence, you’ll find that Chinese tones become second nature. Keep listening, keep speaking, and keep learning. Soon enough, you’ll be expressing yourself clearly and confidently in Mandarin.

We hope this guide has been a valuable resource on your language-learning path. Now, armed with a better understanding of Chinese tones, go forth and explore the vast world of Chinese language and culture. Happy learning!

Expanded Reading: Chinese Pronunciation: The Complete Guide for Beginner

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Cecilia He

Cecilia majored in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. She has vast experience in educating her students on how to listen to and speak Chinese, and is trained to teach HSK courses. She has mastered the method and practice of teaching the structure, historical development, and relationships of languages as an academic subject, and has also done extensive research on Intercultural Communication and Sinology.

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